Go White Hat and Get a Free Bonus!

Go white hat and earn more with Adscend Media's Offer Wall!

Try Rewarding Ads today and choose one of the following FREE bonuses:

  • $100 Earnings Credit
  • 30% Earnings Increase for First 30 Days
  • $100 Advertising Credit (Free App Installs!)

Note: Integration Available Via SDK, WebView & API.

*Required Field

Bonus Terms and Conditions Adscend Media

Instructions: To receive your bonus, you must integrate one of the solutions listed in the page above from Adscend Media into your mobile app, website, game, or digital content. You must then launch your app, website, game, or content with the solution deployed live.

Details: Bonus to be paid upon first earnings payment, or when eligible. Must meet minimum payout threshold to receive bonus. Bonus is limited to new Adscend Media publishers/developers and publishers/developers who have been inactive for a period of two months. Not all publishers/developers are eligible. Publisher eligibility is determined by Adscend Media.