Adscend Media Blog | Unlocking Insights: Offerwalls and Rewarded Ads

5 Reasons to Meet with Adscend Media at AnDevCon

AnDevConLet’s face it, if you’re an Android developer, AnDevCon is a must-attend show. Featuring tutorials, classes and keynotes from heavyweights like Google and Groupon, this bi-coastal conference can dramatically boost your dev skills.

If you’re attending the west coast version of AnDevCon next week in San Francisco, the Adscend Media team would love a chance to grab a few minutes of your time to see if we can help grow your in-app revenue or increase your userbase. We know you’re probably slammed getting ready for the show, and planning for Turkey Day, so we’ll make this quick:

5 Reasons to Meet with Adscend Media at AnDevCon

1. We Can Bring You Quality Users from 180+ Countries: Whether you’re looking to start building up your userbase in the United States, bring in thousands of new users in a weekend, or reach a new global audience, our user acquisition solutions can meet your needs. Featuring pay for performance pricing and customizable campaign formats, our user acquisition solutions let you acquire your target users at rates that fit your budget.

2. We’ll Help You Earn More with Rewards-Based Ads: Whether because users find them intrusive, irrelevant, or just plain ugly, it’s safe to say that users aren’t fans of traditional in-app ads anymore. Thus, if you want to generate in-app revenue, you need to add rewards-based ads to your monetization mix, as recent studies show that users overwhelmingly prefer to be rewarded for interacting with an ad vs. being bombarded by an interstitial, banner, or other traditional ad solution.

This is where we come in. Since 2009, we’ve worked to create rewards-based ad solutions that bring value to the user, while helping increase revenue, retention and engagement for our publishers. Our dedication to user ad experience and constant innovation has allowed us to achieve some of the highest eCPMs in the industry, including $90 eCPMs for our Offer Wall. Speaking of our Offer Wall…

3. We Have the Industry’s Best Offer Wall: When it comes to offer walls, it’s all about the user. Therefore, our Offer Wall is packed with options for users to earn your in-app items and for you to maximize in-app earnings. From watching a video, to downloading an app, to completing a survey, integrating our Offer Wall lets users choose how they earn your in-app items, making them more likely to return to your app to earn more of your rewards. Best of all, Adscend team members will provide direct support to your Offer Wall users, including handling any crediting issues!

4. Increase Daily Revenue with Exclusive Offer Formats: Our Offer Wall features exclusive offer formats that make it easy for users to earn your in-app items and for you to increase your daily in-app earnings. No other Offer Wall has these offers:

  • EngageMe.TV: Generate revenue from users watching short videos, like cooking demos or movie reviews
  • Rewarded Video for Offer Wall: Earn every time a user views a short app trailer
  • Market Research Surveys: Users love completing market research survey offers to earn in-app items, as these short surveys relate directly to their needs, interests, and behaviors. You’ll love them too, as users can complete up to 15 market research surveys daily, with an average payout of $2.50 per completion (US).

5. You Can Start Earning More This Month: Whether you are looking for more users, or seeking to increase your in-app revenue, getting started with Adscend Media is a quick process. We’ll help you get set up, provide extensive documentation for our monetization solutions, and we have multiple integration options available, including a lightweight Android SDK.

Schedule a Meeting with Adscend Media at AnDevCon

Click here if you would like to meet with us at AnDevCon and let us know how we can help. We’ll buy you a cookie.

Tony Cohn

Tony Cohn is a marketing manager with Adscend Media, a leading rewards-based advertising ad platform for mobile apps and games. When not at work, Tony enjoys watching New York Mets baseball, smoking cigars, and running. Originally from the Bay Area, Tony currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

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