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7 Productivity Strategies for Affiliate Marketers

Whether you’re an experienced affiliate marketer, or are just getting into the game, you know that time and productivity are of the essence. Quite simply, the more time that you have to devote to your strategy, the more revenue that you can rake in.

However, it is not always easy to wake up and say, “I’m going to be more productive.” To form better habits and get more out of your workday, you must take a structured approach. Therefore, here are seven productivity tips that you can use to dramatically increase your daily output as an affiliate marketer:

1. Separate Your Personal Life from Your Professional Life: It is essential to always remember that when it’s time to work, it’s time to work. Turn off the TV, let all calls go to voicemail, and focus on the matter at hand. Conversely, once you’ve called it a day, leave your laptop and phone alone. Enjoy yourself, and spend time with your family or friends. It’s important to balance work and a happy family life, and doing so will make you more productive and satisfied.

2. Employ a Digital Calendar or Handwritten To-Do List: Utilizing a digital calendar or a to-do list can only help to improve productivity (you may even want to try using both). For instance, you can use your Gmail calendar to track upcoming deadlines, and create a handwritten to-do list each morning for daily duties. Separate your to-do list into three sections: things that have to get done, items that would be great to get to if possible, and minor items to tackle only if there’s extra time (but are not urgent). Whatever is not completed should be added to the next day’s list.

3. Complete Annoying Tasks First: Which part of your daily routine do you dislike the most? Whatever it is, complete it first thing each morning. That way, it won’t be in the back of your mind all day long, potentially worsening your attitude. Once it’s done, you’ll have a more productive and enjoyable day!

4. Set Limits: If you’re trying to take on too many tasks per day, you can easily find yourself overwhelmed, which can lead to frustration and poor results. Set limits for yourself on how much work you can handle effectively and efficiently, and do your best to never exceed this threshold.

5. Block Distractions: If you’re easily distracted by fantasy sports, online dating, or surfing your social media accounts, use software such as StayFocusd and LeechBlock to block access to those websites during work hours. Considering your temptations are just a few clicks away, it may be best to put technology to work so you don’t veer off course.

6. Clean Your Desk: Try to always keep your desk clean and free of personal items, and appropriately file away any documents that you’re not currently working on. A tidy workspace can do wonders to keep you in a positive and productive frame of mind. It can be especially important to keep an organized space if you work at a home office, as there are many more distractions at home than what you’ll typically find in an office building.

7. Stay Healthy: It’s important to understand that maintaining your personal health is another way that you can improve your productivity. Eat a better diet, get on an exercise regimen, and make sure that you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep each night. Waking up each morning refreshed and full of energy is a sure way to start each day feeling like you can accomplish just about anything!

What additional ways can you suggest to increase productivity?

Joe Flores

Joe Flores is an online business owner and affiliate marketer who is constantly looking for new ways to increase his productivity and time management.

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