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Team Member Spotlight: Veronica Ramos

Team Member Spotlight: Veronica Ramos of Adscend MediaName: Veronica Ramos
Title: Campaign Manager

Favorite Food: Italian and Rice with Beans from My Grandma
Favorite Drink: Wine
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Water

Tell Us a Little About Yourself: I’m from Puerto Rico and I decided to move to the US looking for better job opportunities.

What is your role at Adscend? As a campaign manager, I provide dedicated support to our advertising partners.

Are you able to explain to your friends and family what you do? Impossible! I’ve tried to explain affiliate marketing many different ways, but it’s almost impossible. This is an industry that nobody seems to understand unless they are a part of it. Once, I explained it to someone as basically just online advertising, and that sounded more familiar to him. However, I still don’t think that he really understood.

What do you like most about your job? The diverse and dynamic environment. The fact that we get to interact with people from all over the world is amazing and it’s very interesting to see how you can connect with people from different areas and cultures. Also, it’s an industry that constantly changes, and you learn something different every day.

What is the most common question that advertisers ask you? What are your top offers and top countries? Can you send more traffic to my offers?

How would you recommend someone get started in affiliate marketing? I would tell them to do some research and read as much as possible. At the same time, they should try working with a network, as I believe that is the best way someone can really understand this industry.

If you could give only one piece of advice to affiliates, what would that be?
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Focus on what you want, build a plan, and go for it!

Do you see any new publisher traffic generating techniques emerging in affiliate marketing in 2013? Mobile marketing and social media are here to stay!

What do you like to do for fun when you aren’t working? I love going out to salsa dance with my friends, swimming, trying new restaurants, and spending time with my grandma.

What is the best way for advertisers to reach you? AIM or Skype: AdscendVeronica and email at:

Tony Cohn

Tony Cohn is a marketing manager with Adscend Media, a leading rewards-based advertising ad platform for mobile apps and games. When not at work, Tony enjoys watching New York Mets baseball, smoking cigars, and running. Originally from the Bay Area, Tony currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

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