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Team Member Spotlight: Ilyssa Cohen

Team Member Spotlight: Ilyssa Cohen of Adscend MediaName: Ilyssa Cohen
Title: Publisher Account Manager

Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite Drink: Wine
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Apple Juice

Tell Us a Little About Yourself: I was born and raised in South Florida, and was then lucky enough to spend my college years in Tucson, Arizona, where I became a University of Arizona Wildcat. I spent several years following my Arizona adventure in Chicago, and then landed in Austin, Texas, where I currently live and love life! I have two dogs who I adore, Jaxon and Ryder, and have been an account manager aficionado for almost six years now. 

How long have you been at Adscend Media and what is your role at the company? I started with Adscend in July of 2013 as a publisher account manager. My core focus is on the publishing side of the business, so I provide dedicated support and account management to our publishing partners. 

Are you able to explain to your friends and family what you do? No way! 

What do you like most about your job? First and foremost, I love my co-workers. I am so lucky to be part of such an amazing company! Coming in at a very close second are my clients. I thrive off of building relationships and watching my clients succeed. It is so exciting to work with such diverse clients from all around the world, and to be able to help them and guide them on all of their publishing needs!

How would you recommend someone get started in affiliate marketing? Research, research, research! Try to connect and talk with as many professionals in the industry as possible. The affiliate marketing world is unlike any other industry, and once you can really understand and grasp it, I believe it can be the key to the best career possible.

If you could give only one piece of advice to your affiliates, what would that be? Take advantage of your dedicated account managers. We are experts in the industry, and we are here to help you succeed!

Do you see any new publisher traffic generating techniques emerging in affiliate marketing in 2013? Social media!

What do you like to do for fun when you aren’t working? I really love to cook and to spend as much time as possible with my friends and family. I also really like boating on Lake Austin and fishing just about anywhere I can.  

What is the best way for publishers to reach you? Email at: and AIM at AdscendIlyssa.

Tony Cohn

Tony Cohn is a marketing manager with Adscend Media, a leading rewards-based advertising ad platform for mobile apps and games. When not at work, Tony enjoys watching New York Mets baseball, smoking cigars, and running. Originally from the Bay Area, Tony currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

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