Adscend Media Blog | Unlocking Insights: Offerwalls and Rewarded Ads

Ask Dr. Lock: How Can I Increase My Conversions on Valentine’s Day Traffic?

content locking

The Doctor is always available to help your site make more money using Adscend Media’s content gateway technology. To ask Dr. Lock a question about content locking, please email your question to

Today’s Question: February 10th, 2013

“I have released a few eBooks on relationship advice for men and have been using your content gateways to make some money. I have a decent amount of traffic, however, with Valentine’s Day coming up, do you have any tips to help increase my conversions?”

-Ryan G, Toronto

Dr. Lock: Ryan, first off, it’s good to hear that you already have a good amount of traffic coming to your site (and some conversions too!).  Thus, you have conquered one of the bigger steps in content locking. Now that traffic generation appears to be taken care of, let’s focus on your content gateways.

You probably spent a lot of time and effort creating your eBooks and your site. However, how much customization did you add to your content gateways? Our content gateways have tons of customization options that can help increase your conversions during the holidays. You want to keep your visitors focused on why they are trying to gain access to your site’s content during the holidays. Thus, you have to keep holiday themes, images and motivations top-of-mind. For Valentine’s Day, here are several options to give your gateway a Valentine’s Day makeover:

  • Background Image: To give your gateway a Valentine’s Day feel, try adding some images of hearts, candy boxes, roses and anything V-Day or romance related to your gateway background image. Adding red, pink or white colors to your gateway background image will also give your gateway a holiday feel. Additionally, since your eBooks are for men, you should consider adding images of happy women to your background image as well. Men looking to download your books around Valentine’s Day are probably looking to make their significant others happy. Thus, an image illustrating the possible outcome of reading one of your relationship improvement books, could help generate an uptick in conversions.
  • Background Color: If you aren’t going to use a background image, making sure your gateway color is one of the traditional Valentine’s Day colors of red, white or pink can be a subtle reminder of the Valentine’s Day holiday.
  • Header Text: Changing your header text to reinforce the tie-in between your books and Valentine’s day is another option to possibly increase your conversions. Adding a header such as “Valentine’s Day Bliss” will give your visitors another reminder of the importance of your books.
  • Instructions: Similar to the header text, customizing your gateway instructions gives you one more chance to remind your visitors why they wanted your books, right before they decided to complete an offer to gain access to your books. Something like, “By completing one of the offers below, you can gain access to my eBook and help her have a magical Valentine’s Day!” will help reinforce the visitor’s need to gain access to your eBook.
  • Header Color, Header Font, Offer/Link Color and other Advanced Appearance Options: Make sure to take advantage of the numerous color customization options that are located in the “Advanced Appearance” section of your gateway editor. Adding a dash of red, white or pink may just give your gateway that classic Valentine’s Day look!
  • Overlay Color: Changing your overlay color to red or pink can help strengthen your Valentine’s Day branding and will “pop” to your visitors!

Let me know if those tips helped increase your conversions! Have a happy Valentine’s Day!

That is your prescription for the day.

Good “Lock”

-Dr. Lock

Dr. Connie Tent Lock is the “World’s #1 Content Locking Expert” according to himself. When not content locking everything, you can find Dr. Lock roaming the halls of the Adscend Media offices.

Tony Cohn

Tony Cohn is a marketing manager with Adscend Media, a leading rewards-based advertising ad platform for mobile apps and games. When not at work, Tony enjoys watching New York Mets baseball, smoking cigars, and running. Originally from the Bay Area, Tony currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

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