Adscend Media Blog | Unlocking Insights: Offerwalls and Rewarded Ads

Team Member Spotlight

Shane Hanna, affiliate manager for Adscend MediaName: Shane Hanna
Title: Affiliate Manager

Favorite Food: Chicken Spaghetti
Favorite Drink: Crown and Coke
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Milk

Tell Us a Little About Yourself: I’m from a small town in Arkansas and moved to Dallas for opportunities not available back home. I love playing sports, video games, and anything that involves competition.

How long have you been at Adscend Media and what is your role at the company? I’ve been with Adscend since May of this year and currently work as an affiliate manager with thousands of publishers.

Are you able to explain to your friends and family what you do? Not easily. Most are not familiar with content locking, but I like educating and showing them how anyone can earn money online with a simple website.

What do you like most about your job? I like working with people around the world and helping them to reach their goals and earning potential. I love working in an industry that is dynamic and changes almost daily; keeps things interesting.

What is the most common question that affiliates ask you? What are the best converting offers for a certain country?

How would you recommend someone get started in affiliate marketing? I would recommend to them to network. Get to know as many people as you can that are already doing it. Get involved in affiliate forums and learn what has worked and not worked for others. You can keep up with latest trends and get a few new ideas on the best ways to market.

If you could give only one piece of advice to your affiliates, what would that be? Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t making as much as you’d like during the first couple of months. Remember, big things have small beginnings!

Do you see any new publisher traffic generating techniques emerging in affiliate marketing in 2013? With the availability of the smart phone, I see more traffic being generated from mobile devices. Either through free traffic from social media apps such as Facebook, TwitterInstagram, and Pinterest or through other paid search traffic.

What do you like to do for fun when you aren’t working? I love watching football, either live or on TV. I also enjoy going out on the town with friends and meeting new people. When I have time, I like to take my bike out on trails and appreciate nature.

What is the best way for affiliates to reach you? AIM or Skype (Adscendshane) and email (

Tony Cohn

Tony Cohn is a marketing manager with Adscend Media, a leading rewards-based advertising ad platform for mobile apps and games. When not at work, Tony enjoys watching New York Mets baseball, smoking cigars, and running. Originally from the Bay Area, Tony currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

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