Ad Network

What is an Ad Network?

An ad network is a digital platform that connects advertisers with publishers, allowing ads to be placed on websites or apps. Publishers on an ad network often cater to a niche or use specific ad units. The price for ad inventory is usually determined by the ad unit and targeting parameters.Most ad networks now function similarly technologically to ad exchanges.

How Does an Ad Network Work?

  1. Publishers or developers integrate an ad unit offered by an ad network, such as an Offerwall. 
  2. When a publisher has ad space to sell, publishers programmatically request available ads
  3. Advertisers bid for ad space, typically through real-time bidding 
  4. The highest performing advertiser occupies the ad space. In the case of ad units like the Offerwall, advertisers are shown based on a sorting algorithm so the highest performing advertiser occupies the top ad slot and so on.
  5. Publishers or developers get paid for displaying the ad to their users. In the case of ad units like the Offerwall or other performance-based ads, publishers or developers get paid when a user completes a payable action.

Benefits for Publishers and Developers

There are many ad networks to choose from, so it can be challenging to decide on the best one for a specific app, game, or website.

For publishers or developers, it’s important to choose an ad network that delivers a quality user experience, high eCPMs, and provides quality ad units. 

Monetization Opportunities

Ad networks enable publishers to monetize their app, game, or website more effectively by expanding their internal efforts and other partnerships. Some ad networks offer unique ad units like the Offerwall that can add additional incremental revenue. 

Fill Rates

Ad networks help publishers increase fill rates, thereby increasing revenue further. 

Ease of Integration

Ad networks typically offer a simple integration process utilizing a web view or SDK. An API is also often available for more customized integrations. This ease of integration combined with flexibility on customization makes monetization accessible for publishers of all sizes.

Hands On Account Management

Ad networks help publishers optimize their ad units and placements to optimize revenue.

Benefits for Advertisers 

For advertisers, it’s important to choose an ad network that offers good targeting options, delivers high quality users, and supports campaign optimization/management with reporting/analytics. 

Access to a Broad Base of Publishers

Ad networks aggregate inventory from a significant number of publishers to enable advertisers to access a vast network of apps, games, and websites. Combined with an ad network’s expertise, this reach enables ad networks to deliver quality traffic at scale.

Targeted Advertising

Ad networks offer a number of targeting options to reach specific locations, devices, and more. Targeting ensures your ads are seen by the right user at the right time.

Cost Efficiency

Ad networks operate across a significant number of pricing models that include:

  1. CPA
  2. CPI
  3. CPL
  4. CPE
  5. CPM

The right model depends on the advertisers objectives. An ad network can help guide an advertiser to build the right campaign for their objective.

Performance Tracking

Advertisers can typically monitor the performance of their campaign in real-time through ad network reporting, analytics, and insights combined with their own systems. This enables ad networks and advertisers to work together to optimize a campaign for better results.

What’s The Difference? Ad Network vs Ad Exchange

While most ad networks and ad exchanges are now technologically similar, there are some key differences between the two.

Ad networks typically offer a more curated experience by acting as an intermediary for both advertisers and publishers to maximize campaign results and monetization respectively. As a result, ad networks tend to deliver a more premium experience.

Ad exchanges enable publishers and advertisers to connect via their tech platform without any intermediary. Oftentimes, ad networks work with ad exchanges as well. Publishers typically use ad exchanges to monetize remnant inventory. 

Explore More Terms  

  1. Offerwall 
  2. Affiliate Network 
  3. Publisher

Why Choose Adscend Media?

At Adscend Media, we offer innovative ad solutions that cater to both advertisers and publishers. With our focus on rewards-based ad formats and performance-driven results, we help you maximize engagement and revenue. Whether you’re looking to monetize your app, game, or website or seeking high-quality traffic for your ad campaigns, Adscend Media provides the tools and expertise to achieve your goals.

Explore our offerings or contact us to learn more about how we can help your business grow.