First Party Data

What is First Party Data?

First party data is information that is collected directly by a game, app, or website through user interactions. This data can include demographics, behavioral data, purchase history, user preferences, and more. First party data is invaluable for driving marketing strategies, improving customer experience, and optimizing ads monetization. 

How Does Adscend Media Empower Advertisers With First Party Data?

Adscend Media not only helps advertisers connect with a broad base of publishers and app developers but also owns and operates a number of brands with over 7 million users in aggregate. This unique combination of first party data and third party reach allows Adscend Media to drive superior results for advertisers through rewarded advertising campaigns, whether the advertiser chooses to monetize with CPA campaigns or video ads. 

Explore More Terms  

  1. Cost Per Action (CPA)
  2. O&O Properties
  3. Rewarded Advertising